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Raising Neurodivergent Kids in a Society That Doesn’t Understand

Neurodivergent Kids in Society

As a parent of neurodivergent kids, I have first hand knowledge of the challenges that come with raising children who see the world in a different way.

(side note: If you don’t know what Neurodivergent means, I talk more about it in my other post here.)

I don’t believe we should force children or anyone else to change themselves to be the same.

That way of thinking has persisted for far too long already. It only breeds negativity towards ourselves and others. We are all different for a reason.

How boring would the world be if we were actually all the same?

The same ideas, the same views, the same experiences?

Would we ever evolve to be anything more if no one went against the norm and thought outside the box?

think outside the box in block letters and rainbow colors

I find it it mind boggling how society often sees neurodiversity as a disability, instead of differences that are worth celebrating.

Neurodivergent minds bring so much to the table, and we need to embrace and appreciate them for who they are.

So many neurodivergent minds were responsible for important ideas that led to advancements in society, yet it is still treated like it is a disadvantage.

It doesn’t make sense.

( See 5 famous achievements founded by neurodivergent individuals to see a few you might recognize, and this Journal Article that talks about how emerging studies have shown that Neurodiverse brains can come with various strengths that are now being sought after by companies looking to use them to their advantage)

Creating an Inclusive Environment

So how does that all factor in to parenting our young divergents?

Well, one of the MOST important things we can do is create an inclusive environment for our kids.

They need to have a safe space in the world where they are allowed to just be themselves.

This means treating our kids with respect and understanding, without judging, or trying to change them. This is key.

It can also help to try to create opportunities for our kids to hang out with other neurodivergent kids.

It gives them the ability to see that they are not alone, and connect with people that have similar views and struggles.

If possible, look for local or online support groups specifically for neurodiverse individuals.

It’s one way to get them introduced to others who will understand and appreciate them for who they are.

This can make a big difference for some kids in building their confidence, and learning to embrace who they are. They don’t have to try to fit-in in order to feel valued.

neurodivergent kids as paper cut outs in rainbow colors holding hands displayed on a persons hand

However, some kids prefer to be more solitary.

Please take their individual desires for socializing into consideration.

You can encourage them, or create opportunities, but you should never force them to participate in something just because you feel they should.

Trust that they understand their own needs.

Educating Your Neurodivergent Kids, Yourself, & Others

Education is key when it comes to raising neurodivergent kids in a society that doesn’t always understand them.

I’m sure most parents took a deep dive down the rabbit hole of information as soon as they became aware of their child’s diversity.

But it’s worth saying, that as parents we absolutely need to educate ourselves on the latest research about our child’s specific condition.

Even when you think you know it all, new research is coming out everyday.

Having as much knowledge as possible helps us to better advocate for our child, especially in school or other settings.

A lack of understanding from educators and other professionals can lead to our children’s needs not being met.

Unfortunately this happens all to often.

a neurodivergent kids brain with several books lined up in front of it, sitting on an open book, held in someones hands

It is insane the amount of child educators and professionals that are entirely uneducated in various neurodiversities and how to manage them.

We need to be able to share our knowledge with anyone who is responsible for caring for them.

It’s also important to educate close friends and family members about our child.

If they can better understand our kids, or even our needs, then they are better equipped to offer support to them and you whenever possible.

Raising neurodivergent kids can be isolating.

If we at least have the support of those close to us, it can make a big difference.

Leading By Example

Lastly, it’s important for us as parents of neurodivergent kids to lead by example.

We need to show our kids what acceptance looks like in action.

Society in general does a terrible job at supporting inclusivity.

Things are starting to change, but the world is a messy place right now.

As parents, we have more power than we realize when it comes to showing our kids what acceptance and inclusion should look like.

Not only does it create a safe environment for them, but it teaches them how to create accepting and inclusive environments for others.

Our efforts really can make a difference.

Not only for our kids, but for the future of society.

Whether it’s through conversations we have with others or through how we talk about ourselves, (positively I hope!), leading by example is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal when it comes to creating real change in this world.

words and names relating to neurodivergent conditions all written in the shape of two hands held together to form the shape of a hear

Raising Neurodiversity

Raising neurodivergent kids in today’s society can be daunting and isolating at times.

But by taking steps like creating an inclusive environment, educating yourself and others about your child’s condition, and leading by example, you’ll be helping both your child (and yourself) navigate this journey with greater ease.

Together we can pave the way towards making our society more accepting of all kinds of differences!

So let’s celebrate neurodiversity and the unique perspectives that come with it! With our love and support, our neurodivergent children can thrive and make their mark on the world.

Check out SweetDivergents neurodivergent designs and products to empower you and your kids on your journey of acceptance.

Find them HERE

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