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The Must-Have Products That Bring Peace to the Chaos

All the must-have goodies that make our daily lives so much easier!

After trying out tons of products and remedies over the years, these are the ones that we can’t live without. Everyone’s experiences are different, but I hope sharing our favorites can help make life a bit easier for others out there.

Amazon Prime is like my best friend XD So a lot of the products below can be found on amazon. If you don’t already have amazon prime, click on the link below to get it free for 30 days!

Must-Have #1: The Sensory Swing

This swing has been an absolute blessing for my family, especially my kids who have diverse sensory needs.

My two daughters and youngest son each have their own swing and they love it. The 3-year-old, who is a sensory seeker, loves to climb in and spin to soothe himself and bring a smile to his face. My daughters enjoy snuggling up in the tight and cozy space, finding peace and contentment.

To top it all off, the swing provides so much support at a surprisingly affordable price.

Must-Have #2: Indoor Personal Trampoline

Ok, I know this one is a little crazy, but hear me out. Put a trampoline IN your house. It can really be a sanity saver!

My youngest is a climber, jumper, spinner and sensory seeking monkey. At some point in trying out anything to find a safe outlet for his needs, we went outside the box and bought a trampoline for his room. Of course, we made sure it had a safety net, even as small as it is. I have to say it was one of the smartest things I have ever done.

Now, when he is just full of energy and bouncing off the walls, he hops on in and jumps (safely) to his heart’s content. This keeps him from accidentally hurting himself trying to climb the walls or somersaulting off the furniture. If this sounds like your kiddos, it may well be worth a shot.

Must-Have #3: Noise Cancelling Headphones

These noise-cancelling headphones are my daughter’s best friend. She gets overwhelmed with loud noises, or even just a lot of talking, TV, background noise etc. Eventually, when it’s getting to be too much, she throws these on and it keeps her from having a complete meltdown.

Also, they are so cheap, and absolutely one of the best tools in our arsenal to keep everyone happy.

Must-Have #4: 12 Pack Large Monkey Noodles Sensory Stretch Strings Fidget Toys

All of my kids are OBSESSED with these monkey noodles!

The 3 yr loves to pull them as far apart as he can, and then fling them across the room!

My 7 yr old loves to squish them by the handful and will do so for extended amounts of time

My 9 year old loves to hold on in one hand while doing schoolwork with the other, like a fidget concentration tool

Even the older kids can’t help but pick them up and fiddle with them whenever they find one.

They are so inexpensive that I’ve got tons now! They’re great for self soothing, fidgeting, and entertainment. You can’t go wrong!

Must-Have #5: Bubble Guns!

Who doesn’t love bubbles!

I got these for my kids Easter baskets last year because they are all absolutely hypnotized by bubbles.

I was looking for a way for them to be able to make bubble to their hearts content, without me having to be the one blowing them all! XD

Some of my kids have fine motor skill issues so being able to dip and blow by themselves was a struggles, and at the time my youngest would get frustrated with the wave the wand around to make bubbles method.

Let me tell you, these things have been a godsend. Even now just about a year later, they are still working perfectly, and the kids use them almost every time we go outside.

We’ve even used them inside on occasion. That’s a great method to soap up your kitchen floor right before you plan to mop it! Ha!

Must-Have #6: Ice Cream Slime!

Most kids love slime. If your kids has a sensory need that involves touching, squishing, or other tactile things, slime can be an amazing tool for you sensory arsenal.

I’ve tried to make my own slime, bought many slime kits and pre-made slime products, but I have to say this is the one that we all loved the most.

There is a variety of slime textures which is great if you have kids that have different preferences.

From the mom perspective, it is one of the least messy versions of slime we tried. It’s more solid than liquidly like some slimes are which made for much easier cleanup because it stayed where it was supposed to.

It also doubled as a pretend play option. My kids spent countless hours pretending they ran an Ice Cream Shop or making sundaes for their dolls.

If you hate slime (like I do), but your kids love it, this is the kit for you.

Must-Have #7: Sensory Sock!

This came highly recommended by my daughters occupational therapist, and I have to say she was dead on.

I got several of them so everyone can have one, and I can tell when they are anxious or overwhelmed because I see them crawling into this thing.

It’s also kind of hilarious for the adults! I’ll look over and see one of them making floor angels while in this sock and it’s so funny to watch.

Or I’ll be cooking in the kitchen and all of a sudden there’s a blob monster sneaking up on me from around the corner! It never gets old!

It’s not just great for anxious kids, it’s also awesome for my sensory seeker. The pressure of it can meet his needs and keep him from looking for other more dangerous ways to get that same feeling. (Like jumping off the furniture.) Definitely a must have!

Must-Have #8: Deep Pressure Vest

This things is amazing for my son who really benefits from DEEP pressure when he is on the verge of a meltdown. The vest is actually very breathable and flexible. He wears it for hours at time. He even will bring it to me himself when he feels like he wants it on, and it has done wonders to help regulate his mood.

I have definitely noticed a huge decrease in his other sensory seeking behavior when he is wearing it, and it allows him to sit and relax for longer periods without needing to bounce around the house. Normally it is impossible for him to sit still and be happy about it.

He’s only 4, so he does need help getting it on and off. The velcro is really strong so it doesn’t loosen up, and I have to help him get it off. This is a daily used product in my house. We’ve had it for almost a year now and there doesn’t seem to be any signs off it wearing out, ripping, or velcro not sticking. So It’s very durable. I highly recommend for anyone with pressure sensory needs.

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