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Embracing Differences: Society’s Flawed Definition of Value and Why It’s Broken

Being Different

When your young, being different or not fitting in feels like the worst thing in the world. But that’s because society conditions us to believe that we are not valuable if we don’t fit the mold created for us.

Many of the advancements that have propelled society to its current state were a result of the out-of-the-box thinking of neurodivergent minds who did not fit in.

(Click Here for some examples.)

Imagine that

When you examine the people behind technological advancements, inventions, and remarkable art or musical talent, you’ll frequently encounter characterizations such as “eccentric,” “loner,” “odd,” “weird,” or “different.”

History books often describe how these individuals were left out or ostracized for their differences, but they still managed to have huge impacts on the world throughout their lives.”

Without those people who think and live differently, we may not be where we are now.

Consider the impact of diverse minds: solving problems that others couldn’t see, creating inventions that advance society, and contributing in unique ways thanks to traits like hyperfocus.

Without the neurodiverse population, our world would be without many valuable innovations and insights.

“When 99 neurologically identical people fail to solve a problem, it’s often the 1% fellow who’s different who holds the key.”

John Elder Robison in Psychology Today’s “What is Neurodiversity?”

So you see, the only thing broken is society.

Instead of welcoming the contributions of diverse minds to society as a whole, many try to keep us out. Push us down.

But that’s a failure on their part, not ours.

Society determines your value on your ability to be the same

Humans have a tendency to shun individuals who exhibit behaviors or characteristics that deviate from what they consider to be the “norm”. Those who think, look, live or behave differently from the majority are often ostracized or excluded from society.

Think of all the wars and countless lives that have been lost over differences of religion, opinion, colors, lifestyles and beliefs.

The discrimination and conflicts were often rooted in the intolerance towards individuals who were different from oneself. If they refused or were unable to conform to the “norms” and expectations, they were often met with attempts to erase their existence.

Sometimes they succeeded.

Yet the human ability to create a unique mind and personality in each person is what makes us so special!

Our ability to embrace and celebrate diversity is what has allowed us to evolve and flourish as a species.

It’s perplexing that we continue to undermine the very thing that makes us human.

If we stifled all diversity, we would still be living in the Stone Age. We would lack the imaginative thoughts that lead to breakthroughs in innovation and civilization.

Our value is not in being the same. It is in how much we have to offer the world that only we can give

Each of us has a distinct purpose that can have a profound impact on the world, whether it be grand or small. However, it’s not necessary for everyone to create groundbreaking inventions or make world-altering discoveries.

It’s critical to avoid wasting time believing that we are unimportant because we don’t fit into pre-existing molds, as it could prevent us from discovering our unique purpose.

If we don’t explore our potential, we risk losing the opportunity to have a positive influence on the world.

Perhaps our actions will only affect one individual, but it could still transform their lives entirely. Alternatively, our contributions could have a far-reaching impact on society, benefiting humanity’s future.

Both are equally important reasons for our existence.

Just know that if you are different, you are not broken. You are not a burden.

You possess a unique gift that many in society fail to recognize or embrace. Don’t let societal norms dictate how you live your life.

Instead, live authentically and fulfill your potential!

It’s unfortunate that some may not appreciate your light, but that does not diminish its value or importance. Your gifts and talents have the power to impact the world in profound ways.

So, embrace your individuality and let your light shine brightly. You have the ability to make a positive difference, and that is a precious gift that should never be squandered.

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